Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hi, Everyone,

An ET is here with me now, in etheric presence, letting me know how it is below. Hi from me, he says.   He tried saying his name, but since it was in his own language and way of communicating, I couldn't get a sound of it. It was a hazy almost gestalt, multidimensional form, moving through time.

The ET has now, since he understands my understanding more from my description, moved over me in etheric presence. He is trying to close my throat and my vision. I will do my best to stay truthful and kind and to have the best discernment available. That has satisfied my friend.

We have spoken a bit, before my beginning this blog, about how it is below. They've begun killing each other for food, it appears. "When it is time, one of us gets his throat slit." Before I was told this, I learned that they have an intent of conquering. When I asked about cooperation, the environment changed, softened, and they said, yes, they wanted to cooperate. I asked whom they would cooperate with. They said, "Your president." They said they preferred Romney. I said, don't trust Romney, he lies. He gets his power through lying. I said, trust Obama. He can be trusted more.

I just asked why they wanted to conquer, and they said that's how it is on their planet. I explained that here on earth we survive through cooperation, and they said, "Oh," and again the environment softened with that new awareness. I would like to say, "Welcome to all who want to cooperate in a spirit of peace, harmony and health for all. We can grow lots of food on earth, and especially when we use vegetable sources of protein, there is plenty for all." He just said, "How do we survive in air?" "What?" I ask. He said, "We're in dirt." I think he meant, we're underground, and how would we survive if we come up. So.....what's next?

"We're dying. Our planet, we forgot." The feeling comes of the presence dissolving etherically, of his returning to convey this transmission below.

What I learned during my pauses in typing was that, just as human souls reincarnate, so have ET souls come into human form, conceived by human parents, and these new humans then begin to learn about humanity. Some are more ready than others. Some are big and round. Others are tall and willowy. They tend to keep these form tendencies in human bodies, because they are used to their previous ways of handling their energies.

There have been ET's on earth for centuries, probably millenia.

Thanks for reading.


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